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At Alpha Delta Pi, one of our favorite ways to spend time together is through the many socials we have planned every semester. Our calendar is jam packed with exciting events such as socials, date functions, formals, and sisterhood socials. You can find us all around Lawrence for these events. It’s always a blast getting creative with our outfits, and there are so many memories that come with them. Some of our favorite themes have been “Holidate,” “19ADPi,” and “Masquerade.” Our formals, Black Diamond Ball and Mallard Ball, are the social events of the year, and are always greatly anticipated. We also look forward to activities planned during family day, Dad's day, and Mom's weekend. 


One of the best ways to create unforgettable memories with our sisters is to get dressed up and hop around town. Whether we are downtown dressed from the 80s, at a basketball game (always), or dressed to the nines for a formal, Alpha Delta Pi sisters are always having a good time!

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